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Why you should integrate social media with email marketing

Why you should integrate social media with email marketing

Some have been writing the email marketing obituary for some time now but it’s not going away and it still has a valuable role to play when integrated with your other marketing activity.
A lot of businesses in Devon and Cornwall will have customers that having purchased from them will then have a potentially lengthy period of time between that initial transaction and the next.
Example using holiday cottages or other accommodation providers
Tourism is massive to the South West. There are plenty of amazing accommodation providers across Devon and Cornwall so how do those businesses get their visitors back next year amidst such severe competition?
Once someone has taken a holiday they are unlikely to take another in quick succession, particularly to the same location or cottage.
How do you fill that time between the initial visit and the next with communication and dialogue?
Without it you’re potentially minimising your chances of them coming back.
With it you’re potentially increasing your chances of them coming back.
This is a slight over simplification but if you’ve had regular contact with someone after they leave your accommodation you will be reinforcing that relationship.

Why some have said that email is dead: Social Media

The most important thing to do during that initial visit and the next is to continue to nurture and build a relationship.  An effective way of doing this is by creating dialogue with those that have visited.
You want them to view your business as a relationship rather than a transaction.
Some have said that Facebook and Twitter are able to perform this function.  You can establish regular dialogue and build relationships in real time.
This is very true, but does it have to be to the detriment of another potential channel?
Does the emergence of one channel necessitate the extinction of another?
We don’t think it does.

Integrating email and social

The best businesses and marketers understand that customers are multi rather than single channel.  This is a snazzy way of saying that they consume information at different times through different channels and technology mediums.
So if you’re using just social media or just email marketing in isolation then you’re probably doing yourself an injustice.
The sum of both should be greater than the value of the parts.
Email marketing can co-exist with social media and it actually should.
It can also do that without making it information overload for your visitors, without you pestering them or making them feel like you’re pushing your marketing too far, too regularly.
You can use each to provide different communication types.  An email in the inbox saying welcome home after staying with you will be that much nicer than a request to like your Facebook page.
Work out what communications you can use for each and ensure they’re complimenting each other.  You’ll reap the rewards of that integration.
For more information on how we can integrate your online marketing to greater effect please give us a call on 01566 784860 or email
