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Another five Twitter mistakes to avoid

Another five Twitter mistakes to avoid

So in our last blog post we took at some of the most common mistakes we see made on Twitter. Truth is that there was too many to fit into a single post so here’s our final five faux pas to give a miss the next time you limber up to go out tweeting…

Twitter Sin 1: Making it only about work

Did all work and no play make your Twitter account a really dull boy?

Ok so it’s a work account, but that doesn’t mean it has to be dull, lifeless and boring. It also doesn’t have to be all sales either. The truth is that it’s a fine line to tread. You want it to be personal and have a personality but you don’t want it going too far and become political or a sequence of updates on your private life.

Here’s a great rule for you; think of who it is you’re trying to reach and have a think about what they’d think about your tweet if they read it. Would they find the tone friendly and engaging? Is it too far? Are they going to understand your sarcasm?

Sense check everything before you tweet and make sure the balance is spot on. People like happy and friendly people; so if you are one make sure it comes across.

Twitter Sin 2: Using automated messages and apps

Do you send your wife, husband, family and friends automated text messages?

If you did, then you may well get a telling off! Automated messages are a big ‘no’ for Twitter so here are three things you should turn off:

1. Tweets saying how many new followers you have – I’ve even seen people have them sent out automatically saying they’ve lost followers! It’s not relevant to anybody and they can be turned off in whatever application you’ve turned them off (usually ones used to unfollow people).
2. Direct Messages sent to people once they’ve followed them – call me cynical but if you were really thankful for the follow I kind of think you might take all of 20 seconds to tweet about it. Nobody is going to like your Facebook page from here, so get to work on engaging with these new followers and you’ll build effective and productive relationships with them.
3. Tweets saying who your top interactors are – I’m sure they’re thankful for the feedback but you should want to be other people’s top interactor, and you’re not going to get there through automation. Good things come to those that invest time.

Twitter Sin 3: Using someone else to run your account

Do you get someone else to send your wife, husband family and friends messages?

Well I hope you don’t! So why do you get someone else to tweet for you? When you’re using a stranger who needs to learn all about your business, imitate your voice and tone, and understand your goals, it starts to get a little ridiculous!

Twitter Sin 4: Not using calls to action or asking for a re-tweet

If you want someone to do something you would usually ask them, wouldn’t you?

It’s logic; if you ask then you may well get. If you don’t then you probably won’t. That’s not to say that we’re telling you to go begging for re-tweets, but if you do need something or have some great offer then adding this to a tweet has been proven to make it travel further.

You’ll find that if you engage regularly with people they’re more likely to retweet when they see you asking. It’s all part of the work you should put into that area of your account.

Twitter Sin 5: Not making the most of influencers

Everyone is down the Twitter pub, but where are you?

Ok so it’s not a pub (although that would be great), but networking hours are as good as it gets in the online world of Twitter. Get involved with networking, and if you really don’t have time to participate, use influencer accounts to spread the word about your business and what it is you’re doing. Accounts such as Devon Hour and Cornwall Hour are there to support their counties so use them to fullest.

So that’s another five! Are you guilty of any of them? We hope not, but if you are then don’t hang your head in shame, make the new year a time to start adopting a better approach to your Twitter account and we can guarantee that results will quickly follow.
