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7 steps to the perfect post on Instagram

7 steps to the perfect post on Instagram


7 steps to create the perfect post on Instagram

1. The recommended photo size is 640 X 640 pixels; double that to 1280 X 1280 pixels and your image will be looking crisp and ready to get lots of likes.
2. Humans process images 60,000 times faster than words, but 95million photos are added every day so only share your very best or you’ll get missed.
3. Adding a question to a caption has been proven to significantly increase engagement and interaction. Have you been asking.
4. Up to 50% of captions and comments Instagram include an emoji, so make the most of them when posting.
5. Use hashtags to increase your reach – find the most commonly used and those that are most likely to engage your audience – you’ll gain more likes.
6. TIP: Write 4 or 5 hashtags in a comment on the post. After about 30 minutes, delete that comment and write 4 or 5 new hashtags to increase your reach.
7. As with every other social network, make sure you’re engaging as soon as that notification pops up on your phone!
