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Achieving success and creating relationships with email marketing

Achieving success and creating relationships with email marketing

Building long lasting relationships with customers is a vital part of the success for any business. But how do you keep in touch, let them know about new product ranges or great sales deals?

Many businesses will have email addresses for their customers obtained through the sales process. These could be the cost effective key to keeping in touch and promoting your business all year round.

Email marketing adds another bow to your promotional armory; whilst you can keep your website up to date on the latest developments and deals, unless a visitor proactively goes on to your website how will they know about them?

This is where email promotion can compliment your website and comes into its own – delivering your news directly to the inbox of those that have already enjoyed everything your have to offer and in doing so adding to your chances of repeat business.

The first question to answer is what are you looking to achieve from your emails? Do you want a newsletter that gives them information about the latest deals or goings on? Or do you want to keep it simple and have a postcard image with some basic information?

Identifying what you want to communicate in your email at the outset will be important in achieving success with your email marketing. Once you have this in place simply press the send button and get results on who has opened your message and monitor any responses – particularly if you are offering a promotion. This way you will fully understand the value your email campaigns are adding.

For more information on how email marketing can help your business please give us a call or email
