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Don’t let Google Analytic stats phase you

Don’t let Google Analytic stats phase you

If you run a business you’ll be well aware of how statistics are crucial when it comes to making a decision; action taken based on data can transform a business overnight, and increase your chances of the result being a successful one.

Google Analytics is a great way of monitoring the performance of your site and online marketing efforts. The free service was launched in 2005 and is now used by a vast amount of businesses across the globe .It’s currently leading the way compared to other sites including StatCounter and WordPress Stats.

Follow these simple steps to help your business on its way to making better decisions through Google Analytics.

Setting up

When creating your account fill out the information required including your website address and the area in which your business works. Stick with the ‘Universal Analytics’ option and also make sure you change the time zone to the UK (will save you from wondering why all of your traffic comes in the middle of the night!).

You’ll receive some code that your website developers will need to implement for you, but don’t worry, it’s just a 10 minute job for them.

Technical terms

If you’re new to Google Analytics or considering using it, don’t let the technical jargon phase you.
Keep it simple. Remember ‘sessions’ mean visits, ‘users’ mean visitors, and a ‘bounce rate’ is the number of visits to your site that leave having only viewed one page.

If you’re finding yourself confused, or as many business owners do, not sure of how to take that data and make it work for you, then we do offer Google Analytics training for users of all abilities.

Don’t overcomplicate it

Google Analytics can be as complicated as you make it. From pinpointing who’s searching for your site based on a specific product name, to simply recording the number of visits and pageviews to certain areas of your site.

Either way, avoid getting bogged down by an avalanche of statistics. Break up business strategy and focus on one area you want to monitor at a time, and then bring them together to build a bigger picture.

For example, if you have a business with multiple service areas, take a look at each of those service areas individually; which is doing well, and which is underperforming? This will give you greater insight into what’s causing your site as a whole to rise or fall.

Don’t give up!

Be prepared to spend time exploring Google Analytics to discover the information that really benefits your business. Try to set time aside each month to take a look at your stats so you’re fully aware of what’s happening. If you dig deep, there are a lot of features that can benefit you if used effectively. Find out what online campaigns attract the most visits; locate where your visitors are from and find out what they are saying. The list is endless!

For more information on how we can improve your website performance, including our Google Analytics training, please give us a call or email us at
