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Five of the best apps for making Gifs

Five of the best apps for making Gifs

If you follow us on Twitter, you’ll know that there’s nothing we love more than a good Gif. The popular ‘moving images’ have taken the online world by storm, and now social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter have added libraries of Gifs for users to access, search, and share.

What is a Gif?

Well, it’s quite simply a file type like a jpg or png. They’re almost like a small video stuck on loop, repeating one or two seconds over and over. Gifs are usually funny, and they’re a great way to easily make your Tweets stand out and get people engaging.

Making your own

Believe it or not, Gifs are actually very simple to make. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of apps available that claim to produce the best Gifs out there. With bright colours, dazzling logos, and mixed reviews, it gets confusing when choosing which one to download and use. So we did the hard work and pulled together an overview of five of the best Gif making apps on the market.

Gif Toaster

Available on: iOS
Cost: Free (in app purchases available)
What it does: This app allows you to upload a whole range of media. Videos, time-lapse, burst photos, live photos, and panoramas can all be transformed into Gifs. And if that wasn’t enough, you can also convert Gifs to videos and photos.
Pros: This app is really easy to use, and quite intuitive. You just need to upload, choose the playback speed, and hit “start encoding”. No techy knowledge required.
Cons: On the free version, Gifs are low quality. In order to get high quality versions, you’ll have to cough up and pay.


Available on: iOS
Cost: Free (in app purchases available)
What it does: Upload photos and videos, then get creative and add stickers, effects, and more to make them look cool and fun.
Pros: It’s a simple and effective way to make fun Gifs, and you can easily share them on social media.
Cons: Like with Gif Toaster, you’ll have to pay if you want high-resolution versions of your Gifs. Some users have also reported that they have to re-purchase the pro version when updating.

Giphy Cam

Available on: iOS and Android
Cost: Free
What it does: Record using the app and make lively Gifs that can be customised and shared. It comes from the makers of Giphy, one of the most popular Gif libraries around.
Pros: There is a lot of customisation on this particular app. Stickers, filters, and special effects, are all available…and android users can use it!
Cons: The iOS and Android versions have slightly different capabilities, with the former allowing users to upload photos to the app, and the latter lacking that function.

Gif Me!

Available on: iOS and Android
Cost: Basic version free, pro £1.49 iOS and £1.29 Android
What it does: Import or record, it’s up to you. This app allows users to record with the app, or upload photos, videos, and live photos before transforming them into Gifs, complete with filters and freames.
Pros: There is a lot of choice with this app. Options include stop motion, time lapse, and wiggle Gifs. Expect to spend a lot of time playing around!
Cons: If you’re not up for spending £1.49, then you’ll find a watermark on any Gifs that you make.

Gif Camera

Available on: Android
Cost: Free
What it does: This app doesn’t just let you make Gifs, oh no, it also allows you to browse and share from a huge library of pre-made Gifs. When making a Gif, you’ve also got the option to directly record or upload, select the frames per second, and go.
Pros: Choice! This app is great if you want access to a big library as well as have a go at creating a Gif yourself.
Cons: Unfortunately, there aren’t any stickers or effects on this app, which makes it a little less fun.
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