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Are you following MiHi Digital on Twitter?

Are you following MiHi Digital on Twitter?

We thought we’d give you a little reminder, if you weren’t already, to follow us on Twitter at @MiHiDigital (

What sort of content do we tweet about?  You’ll get a proverbial shed load of useful tips, facts and stats from the online world, latest news from MiHi and also anything from around the web that we think you’ll find to be interesting.

It’s not salesy – we want to deliver you with information that you’re going to find useful; if there is anything that you’d like to hear about from our Twitter feed or even as a future blog post then drop us a line.  We’d love to hear from you!

Twitter is all about building dialogue, fostering conversations and developing relationships with likeminded businesses and individuals; that’s exactly what we want to do.

If you haven’t quite mastered Twitter then no need to worry; we’re able to offer training on all aspects of social media.  We’ll tailor it to your current level, so no matter if you are a guru or a beginner we’ll be able to hope.

A question that we often get is how to make the most of your time on Twitter without it being all consuming.  Our training sessions will provide you with the right tools and techniques to ensure that every minute you spend on Twitter is a minute well spent.

For more information about our social media, Twitter and other training please give us a call or email us at  
