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Get people watching your YouTube Videos

Get people watching your YouTube Videos

No matter how great your video is, it isn’t worth much if you don’t get the views. We all know that YouTube ranks videos with lots of views higher than those without many, so you should do what you can to get people watching.


Your social media channels are packed with people who already have an established interest in your business so make the most of them!

Share your video on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram – everything. Get the ball rolling with a ready-made audience.


As well as social media, there’s another digital platform you use to interact with people every day. I’m talking about email.

Include a link to your latest video in your email signature and deliver your YouTube channel directly to current and potential clients, as well as contacts. There’s no legwork for them, just one simple click, which makes it very appealing.

For more information on how we can boost your online presence give us a call on 01566 784860 or email
