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Getting your description right on YouTube

Getting your description right on YouTube

If you’re adding a video to YouTube you’ll be wanting to ensure that as many people see it as possible. Getting your descriptions right will go a long way toward achieving this, so let us tell you how and why…

Descriptions are a great way to boost your YouTube rankings. But YouTube is all about visuals, so why bother with a long description?

I’ll tell you why.

YouTube can’t watch your video itself; it has no idea what your video is about so it needs you to tell it! Your description is exactly the right place to do this, and by including as much information as possible you are helping YouTube to better understand your. This means it will know all of the places your video should be appearing, providing you with greater visibility when people are searching.

Getting the size right

We recommend you write a description of around 250 words. This is enough to tell the potential viewer everything they need to know without boring them to death! When we say 250 words we mean 250 quality words; don’t waffle for the sake of having a long description. Perhaps write it before you’re ready to add the video to YouTube so you know it’s perfect.


I spoke about keywords a lot in this post, now we have a chance to use them. Get your keywords into the description within the first two sentences to catch attention, then aim to repeat them 3-4 times throughout the rest of your description.

Link it

These 250 words are the perfect place for you to show off your company. Including links to your website and other social media channels will encourage traffic to your site and increase likes and followers. Take this as a chance to promote your entire brand, not just the video.

For more information on how we can boost your online presence give us a call on 01566 784860 or email
