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Are your Hootsuite scheduled posts failing?

Are your Hootsuite scheduled posts failing?


Thousands and thousands of Twitter accounts across the South West will be using Hootsuite to schedule tweets. Have you been getting notifications recently saying that yours have failed?

If you have the most likely reason is that you’ve tried to send the same tweet more than once. In recent months the platform has begun rejecting those tweets that have already been sent.

What do you need to do in order to fix the problem?

It’s relatively simple; you can no longer send the same tweet over and over through Hootsuite scheduling (you once could), and instead you’ll need to reword that new tweet over and over again if you’re wanting to send it more than once.

Is there merit in sending the same information more than once

The simple answer is yes there is; there’s so much content sloshing around twitter and so many tweets being made each minute that you can easily get lost in the noise, so sharing similar content on a regular basis (as long as it isn’t in an excessive manor) should form a part of your Twitter strategy.

If you do think that every one of your followers is seeing your tweets then take a look on the analytics of some of your most recent posts; we’ve got more than 4,000 followers and analytics tell us that the average post may only be seen by 150 – 250 people each time!

People will interact and click on content differently; it may be that a re-write of that last tweet when you next link to the same content could see your performance improve, so take this chance to mix it up!

For more information about how we can help you focus your social media activity please give us a call on 01566 784860 or email
