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Less is more! Users respond to Twitters plans to double character limit

Less is more! Users respond to Twitters plans to double character limit

When it comes to Twitter there’s one thing that’s perhaps more synonymous with the platform than anything else, and that’s the 140 character limit. So yesterday, when Jack Dorsey (the founder of Twitter) indicated they’d be trialling 280 character tweets, it was kind of a big deal… 
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It didn’t take long for Twitter users react in a creative, yet mostly negative way. Journalist Caitlin Kelly edited the longwinded tweet to fit within the original 140 limit….
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… whilst another user made it clear that they didn’t see the need for more characters when they can already make their point, with room to spare: 
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Beat City Tone made reference to the feature of the Thread….
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…something which is unique to Twitter which encourages conversation in short and snappy responses.
It would appear that the apprehension is mostly around losing Twitters unique qualities. We asked our Twitter followers how they felt about the change, and they were united in their opposition to the change. One tweeter said ‘I think it will take away what Twitter is….it’s one of the only factors left that differentiates the platform from others, like Facebook.
Tech critics seemed to be more supportive with Will Oremus, a reporter at Slate predicting that the change would barely alter the service at all. However, it would appear that the general consensus within most users it that it is the biggest development the platform has seen since its inception.
To add insult to injury, Twitter went on to say that the new concept would be trialled within only a small and selected group, to which TV Presenter Ellen DeGeneres responded to with a sense of sarcasm…
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No matter how many characters have, the same rules you of getting your point across in a succinct and engaging way, will always apply when it comes to businesses across Devon and Cornwall.
