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LinkedIn: Who’s viewed your updates?

LinkedIn: Who’s viewed your updates?

How many connections do you currently have? How many of those do you estimate regularly post updates to LinkedIn?

Now this will obviously depend on what industry you are in and as a result which your connections work in; marketing and business development professionals understandably tend to be a little more savvy than others.

If you aren’t using this functionality you are potentially missing a trick.  Here are a few tips when posting updates:

Avoid overkill

Once you’ve started to post updates make sure you don’t go overboard; nobody wants their entire news feed consumed by one individual.  Focus on the quality of what you are sharing and the relevance to your connections.  It’s likely that a large number of your connections will share common business interests so stick to what is going to interest them.  By doing this you’ll get higher levels of interaction and dialogue.

Don’t make it all about you

It’s fine to promote yourself and what’s going on at your business but don’t make it all about you.  When you are sharing content think about getting a balance of 40% of your posts being about you and your company and 60% on other relevant information.  Sharing links that are going to be of interest to your connections will add value; only talking about yourself can be potentially off-putting.

Get involved with other peoples content

This point overlaps with the point above; can you expect people to like and comment on your posts in droves if you never reciprocate?

If you read something from your connection that is of interest then like it.

If there is a comment to be made then make it.

It’s a lonely world without dialogue and you’ll foster better online relationships if you’re interacting.

Avoid the mundane

Don’t succumb to the pressure of having to post something for the sake of posting it!  If you are going through a baron spell on your blog writing or haven’t seen anything that is going to resonate with your connections then don’t post because you feel you have to.  Wait until you have written a gem or have found something of real interest and then post that – wait and it will come!

For more information about how we can help you make more from your LinkedIn presence or provide you with training please give us a call or email us at
