MiHi Digital to talk at Cornwall wedding networking event
MiHi Digital to talk at Cornwall wedding networking event

Over the years we have attended and given a fair few talks on how our industry works, how we can help other businesses and of course, marketing techniques and trends. You might have met us at one before and now it’s time to do some wedding networking!
Well, we’re getting back out there, Mark will be at the Wedding Networking – Coffee & Chat Event hosted by Hazel Parsons at The Barn at Pengelly on Tuesday the 8th of November.
This event is open to all wedding businesses and is an excellent place to network with others in the industry!
“On Tuesday 8th November, The Barn at Pengelly will host our wedding networking, coffee and chat event from 10am – 1pm.
Open to all wedding businesses this event will be a wonderful opportunity to chat with other wedding businesses based in Devon and Cornwall, explore this beautiful venue and meet a few industry experts who will be there on the day offering support and advice on:
Wedding marketing – Using TikTok for your wedding business
Weddings where next? – Industry news, tips and forthcoming trends
Book your ticket now, our early bird tickets are now sold out, full price tickets are £35.
***Spaces at this event are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.***
Tickets include tea or coffee and cake.
Please note – this event is open to ALL wedding businesses”
We can’t wait to meet you there and if you want to know more about how MiHi Digital can help your business grow, then get in touch with Mark and the team!
Call us on 01566 232323 or email hello@mihidigital.co.uk.