MiHi Digital to present at the region’s Tourism Awards Sponsor Workshop
MiHi Digital to present at the region’s Tourism Awards Sponsor Workshop

We’re pleased to say that for a third year running we will be one of two guest speakers at the Tourism Awards Sponsor Opportunities Workshop.
This free event, which is being held on June 6th in Exeter, is designed to help sponsors of the Devon and Cornwall Tourism Awards to gain the maximum benefit from their sponsorship through sharing ideas and tips.
MiHi Director, Mark Worden will once again be leading a session named ‘Maximising your sponsorship – making this year’s entrants next year’s clients’. He will be sharing tips on:
· Making the most of sponsorship through digital channels
· Ideas for communicating with entrants and building relationships through social media
· Emerging trends and how to use these to increase reach within the tourism industry
John Harvey of The Samphire Club will also be running a session, sharing his tips on how to get the best from the events themselves.
The annual workshop has received great feedback previously, with new business deals being made between sponsors who had never met before – and this year we’ve enabled more time for delegates to share ideas and their own innovative experiences.
The Devon and Cornwall Tourism Awards take place every year and recognise the work of hundreds of businesses operating in the region’s tourist industry. From cafés to caravan sites, holiday parks to hotels, they attract hundreds of entries from across Devon and Cornwall, with last year’s awards breaking all records.
For more information on the awards, visit http://www.devontourismawards.org.uk/ or http://www.cornwalltourismawards.org.uk/
For more information on MiHi Digital and their services please visit www.mihidigital.co.uk/our-services/