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New site launched for Venturi Vision

New site launched for Venturi Vision

I undoubtedly spend too much time at a computer, and I’ve no doubt that my eyesight has suffered as a result (the amount of pairs of glasses spread all over the office and my home will certainly support me on that!).  What that’s led me to know is that having a great optometrist is vital to anyone with sight difficulties, and even those without (prevention is always better than cure!).  With that in mind it’s been great to team up with Olindo Venturi, who with more than 20 years of experience, is certainly at the top of his game when it comes to our eyes.

Take a look at their new site on the link below; it’s responsive, easy for them to update, as well as clean and simple to understand.  A veritable feast for those of you that can see properly!
