Five reasons digital marketing is perfect for businesses in Devon and Cornwall
We’ve worked with more than 150 businesses across the region in the past two years so we hopefully …
Digital marketing apprentice secures position following course success
PRESS RELEASE A digital marketing agency has created a full time position for its first apprentice following the …
Increasing the reach of your videos on YouTube – Key Words
One of the most important factors within YouTube’s algorithm is keywords. Having the right keywords, and using them …
Online shop created for one of the UK’s leading herb and edible plant nurseries
What’s your garden missing? If you can eat it, Laurel Farm Herbs can grow it, and you can …
The importance of security – Have you taken this action to rank higher?
As a business owner you’ll already know the importance ranking highly on Google holds, but have you ever …
How do you increase your rankings on Google by up to 100 positions?
Ok so I know I’ve got your attention with the title, allow me to explain a little bit …
Automated tools for Twitter and how not to use them
It’s human nature; if there’s something you can do or use that will essentially lessen the time it …
Are your Hootsuite scheduled posts failing?
Thousands and thousands of Twitter accounts across the South West will be using Hootsuite to schedule tweets. Have …
Get more for your 140 characters
No matter what your job, you’ve probably got a few things that really irritate you. For us, our …
What do those SEO terms mean and how do we use them to help you?
We help plenty of businesses of all sizes rank higher on Google each and every day. So what …
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