Google Authorship – what is it and how can it aid your search engine click through rates
When you’ve been using Google to search recently have you noticed anything different? Have a think? How about …
Basics of SEO – how Google views your website and the importance of page titles
Google displays millions of search results every day – but how is it that Google knows what your …
Are constant Google fluctuations causing a potential renaissance in Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising?
If you have spent money on search engine optimisation or have spent a long time trying to increase …
What is Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising on Google?
If you open up another Internet browser window and go to Google, have a search for the term …
Google Plus growth in numbers
With Google now more than a year old we took a look at how many users are now …
Google Webmaster Tools – Make sure your site looks great to Google
Many business owners are already familiar with the rich amount of information they can gain on their website …
Are your videos optimised for Google and does your site have a video site map?
Google uses a completely different index for video than it does for web pages. The upshot of this …
What is Google looking at when you launch a new website?
Earlier in the week we answered a question we’d been regularly asked since the launch of our own …
How long does it take your brand new website to appear and rank in Google?
We launched our site this week so we definitely know how exciting a time it can be; it’s …
What is Google Hummingbird?
If you’ve been searching on Google over the past month or two you’ll have been receiving results from …
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