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Visit Dartmoor join forces with MiHi

Visit Dartmoor join forces with MiHi


We’re delighted to have worked with Visit Dartmoor, the official tourism website for…. you guessed it… Dartmoor…. to further showcase everything this amazing moor has to offer to those visiting from across the world.

This site has a member login and listing system for more than 150 businesses across Dartmoor, as well as more than 900 pages of great information.

There’s an incredible amount of tech behind the Visit Dartmoor site; there’s a listing and login area for every member, the ability to add special offers, restrictions on what members can post based on their membership level, ordering on pages based on membership level, information pulled in based on the locality of a listing, and much, much more.

An important part of this project was making the user experience better and information easier to find; page views have increased by more than 60% with time on the site almost doubling since launch, making that mission accomplished!

You can find the site on this link – we hope you like it!
