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What is a hashtag and what can it do for you?

What is a hashtag and what can it do for you?

Each time you tweet your tweet will have a limit on its reach.  Namely the people who follow you, the re-tweets it gets from those followers and the subsequent re-tweets on top of that.

Hashtags are added to tweets and open up the reach that you can gain from every tweet you send.  They join together discussions and conversations about products and services.

An example of this would be if you run a holiday park and tweeted:

“Delighted to be fully booked for the school holidays! #southwesttourism”.

Here someone reading your tweet could click on the #southwesttourism hashtag and be sent through to a feed of all of those talking about this topic.  All of a sudden you have the reach of followers, re-tweets and now a discussion around the topic you are tweeting about.  This is particularly important as it is putting you in front of and in dialogue with people that are talking about the same thing as you.

They can also be added to give your tweet a geographical focus, for example #devon or #cornwall

One thing to watch out for is to ensure that you don’t have any spaces in your hashtag! Place a space in there and the hashtag will only include the first word.

For more information on how we can help you with Twitter – through training or management – please give us a call or email  
