Christmas Statistics – Online Shopping Continues to Soar
With us all frantically buying Christmas presents we thought it would be a good day to share some …
Success with viral: Jog on kitties! Cats with opposable thumbs
“Why do cats stare when you are pouring milk?” The sheer number of us that will have seen …
Email Marketing – Getting Barack Obama back in the White House
Not many will be aware of the impact that email marketing played in getting President Barack Obama re-elected …
Writing for a human and not a search engine. Why the key remains quality not density
One question frequently asked over the years is “I am writing for the web, I need to get …
Google Analytics – Why wouldn’t you use it?
If your website doesn’t have Google Analytics do you know what you are missing? The answer is perhaps …
Responsive design – what is it and why is it so popular?
Go back several years and you would be talking to your web developer about building a mobile site, …
Page fold or no page fold – prioritising your content and pages remains important
There has been much said about the possible page fold of a website – does it exist? How …
Content Marketing – What is it and what are the benefits of adding great, relevant content to your website
Sit down with an online marketer at the moment and it will likely not be long before they …
What is a Google bounce rate and when is a bounce rate really a negative bounce rate?
Google describe a website bounce as a “the percentage of visits that go only one page before exiting …
When is the best time to publish a blog article – is there an optimal content publication time?
Much thought is often given to when to send an email marketing campaign; rightly so as the time …
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