Are Twitter and LinkedIn natural partners?
We recently wrote a blog post about using syndication and scheduling to save the time you need to …
Are your videos optimised for Google and does your site have a video site map?
Google uses a completely different index for video than it does for web pages. The upshot of this …
What is Google looking at when you launch a new website?
Earlier in the week we answered a question we’d been regularly asked since the launch of our own …
Is syndication a friend or foe of social media?
Social media is by definition about being social; interacting with other people through the internet whether they be …
The growing mobile user base of Facebook in figures
Having a mobile presence and strategy is becoming more and more important, even vital, as increasing numbers of …
Getting a new website – a few things you should be considering
So you’re looking to get a new website to replace your existing site. Great news! To make sure …
Somersby Cider gives a new perspective on an Apple launch
Sometimes a company completely nails a spoof advertising campaign. Somersby Cider achieved this when they launched their spoof …
Microsoft pull spoof Apple advert from YouTube hours after launch
When successful, viral marketing can be an incredibly useful tool for a brand, particularly through social media channels. …
How long does it take your brand new website to appear and rank in Google?
We launched our site this week so we definitely know how exciting a time it can be; it’s …
What is Google Hummingbird?
If you’ve been searching on Google over the past month or two you’ll have been receiving results from …
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