Meet the MiHi Digital Team… Sarah Bott
Our talented little team at MiHi Digital has grown over the past couple of years and although we …
Meet the MiHi Digital Team… Chloé Grayling
Our talented little team at MiHi Digital has grown over the past couple of years and although we …
MiHi Digital to talk at Cornwall wedding networking event
Over the years we have attended and given a fair few talks on how our industry works, how …
Facebook engagement – 6 easy ways you can give your posts a boost
Learn about the 6 ways you can increase engagement on facebook posts and boost your social media presence …
Five features your business SHOULD be using to maximise Instagram performance
In May 2022, Instagram had over 34 million active users across the United Kingdom. That is an enormous …
How do you establish if PPC advertising is right for your business
Pay Per Click advertising can be a powerful tool in the online armoury of businesses of all sizes. …
Six ways local businesses can use Pay Per Click Advertising
So it’s the evening after a long day at work, perhaps even a long week at work. You …
Twitter announces extension of geo-targeting options for Twitter Advertising
If there was one thing that really annoyed us about Twitter advertising it was the lack of geo-targeting …
Yeo Valley – Full of the sounds of the farm
Yeo Valley is no stranger to organic dairy products but when the family farm broadened their advertising horizons …
Are constant Google fluctuations causing a potential renaissance in Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising?
If you have spent money on search engine optimisation or have spent a long time trying to increase …
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