How do your email marketing open and click through rates compare with others?
The great thing about email marketing is that you should be gaining a whole host of information on …
Creating great video content – how long should your video be?
The answer many may give you is how long is a piece of string? A valid answer, as …
Launching a new website and maintaining your search engine authority
The launch of a new website is an exciting time. One thing that shouldn’t get lost in all …
Christmas Statistics – Online Shopping Continues to Soar
With us all frantically buying Christmas presents we thought it would be a good day to share some …
Success with viral: Jog on kitties! Cats with opposable thumbs
“Why do cats stare when you are pouring milk?” The sheer number of us that will have seen …
Email Marketing – Getting Barack Obama back in the White House
Not many will be aware of the impact that email marketing played in getting President Barack Obama re-elected …
Writing for a human and not a search engine. Why the key remains quality not density
One question frequently asked over the years is “I am writing for the web, I need to get …
Google Analytics – Why wouldn’t you use it?
If your website doesn’t have Google Analytics do you know what you are missing? The answer is perhaps …
Responsive design – what is it and why is it so popular?
Go back several years and you would be talking to your web developer about building a mobile site, …
Page fold or no page fold – prioritising your content and pages remains important
There has been much said about the possible page fold of a website – does it exist? How …
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