Times they are changing! How do you interact with information throughout the hours of the day?
Times they are a changing. I recently attended a conference at which the Head of Mobile at The …
Anki Drive – how Scalextric has moved on!
Go back to the 80’s or even the early 90’s – yep that’s right, you remember! Scalextric and …
What is meta information, what is it for and how can you use it to your benefit in search engines
Meta information is held within the coding of your website and tells search spiders what your page is …
A story of creativity – Pay Per Click advertising to find a dream job
I recently read a case study on a guy in America who had won an award for his …
Devon and Cornwall – A great place to live and work
So the nights are now a little darker. Ok, to be fair so are the mornings and the …
Google Authorship – what is it and how can it aid your search engine click through rates
When you’ve been using Google to search recently have you noticed anything different? Have a think? How about …
How to make sure your content is a success for visitors and for search engines
The World Wide Web is a buzz with the sound of content marketing. But with the Internet awash …
Basics of SEO – how Google views your website and the importance of page titles
Google displays millions of search results every day – but how is it that Google knows what your …
Are constant Google fluctuations causing a potential renaissance in Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising?
If you have spent money on search engine optimisation or have spent a long time trying to increase …
What is Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising on Google?
If you open up another Internet browser window and go to Google, have a search for the term …
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